Installing JR-Assembler
0. System requirements
(a) Linux x86_64
(b) >64 Gb RAM (suggested
for large input data)
1. Move JR-Assembler.tar.gz to a desired
directory, e.g., your home directory.
2. Decompress the downloaded file
> tar
zxvf JR-Assembler.tar.gz
3. Go to the JR-Assembler directory and recompile the source code if the pre-compiled version could not run.
> cd JR-Assembler (optional: make clean; make)
4. Decompress the third-party tools to
./public_tools, e.g.,
> tar
zxvf ~/source/mdust.tar.gz -C public_tools
> tar
zxvf ~/source/SOAPec_v2.01.tar.gz -C public_tools
> tar
zxvf ~/source/FLASH-1.2.7.tar.gz -C public_tools
> unzip ~/source/ -d public_tools
* One may need to compile the source codes after decompression, e.g., for mdust and flash.
* Users can install these tools to other locations, in which case the corresponding paths in "configure.txt" should be altered (see 5).
5. Confirm that the paths to the executables of third-party tools in "configure.txt" are consistent.
For example,
(a) SSPACE_PATH= ./public_tools/SSPACE-BASIC-2.0_linux-x86_64/
(b) MDUST_PATH= ./public_tools/mdust/mdust
(c) FLASH_PATH= ./public_tools/FLASH-1.2.7/flash
(d) SOAPec_DIR=